Monday, June 22, 2009


Our Point Of Sale system at the Brandywine Cyclery is pretty cool. When we take money out of the register it asks for a reason to way someone in taking out money.
These are the programed reasons
Pretty funny

Iron Maiden and I did the Route 29 Time Trial in Jersey over the weekend. It was 36k and my first road race. It was pretty cool I'm do it again.

Here's Iron Maiden....we'll this was from May when she did the TT. They didn't get any photos of her this time.
She beat her previous time by 4 secs. She did great!!!

I like the idea of being pinn'd for an hour! It is good training for DH.
I beat the hour

Did you here that the USA is getting a World Cup race next year!!!! 8/ 28-29/2010!!!!
Round 6 World Cup Finals!!!!
It going to be in Windham, NY. I'm racing there this weekend!!!
From the course video I saw it looks like a ton of pedaling, not much gnar :(

I still like to look like this,
when I race

TTs are cool and all. I'm going to do more of them
But, DH is still King of the Castle

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