Friday, December 12, 2008

KCCX Nats 2008 Day 4b

JeB-Bagger did it again!! 2x National Champion
Gavagan, the man behind the scene. Making sure Jeb's bikes were working flawlessly and waiting in the pits with a clean bike and spare wheels.

Juniors 15-16 Podium
Secret Henry's/Van dessel on the top of the box

Jeb was flanked by the cycling media as we got off the podium.
"What other disciplines are you pursuing?
Jeb- "Huh?"
Tom- "Jeff, she wants to know what other kinds of bikes do you ride"

Heidi Von multi-Tasker. Warming up on the trainer and knitting a hat

Just as I was about to publish this blog Bad Andy came into out hotel room with Smash Crash. The whole room came to a halt and we sat on the floor around Bad Andy as he read us, Smash Crash

1 comment:

Your Friendly Neighborhood HR Dude said...

smash crash is fucking brilliant.

jeb is pretty good too.